BOB AI was trained on massive amounts of unlabeled data scraped from the internet. The model is continually being monitored and fine-tuned for specific language-oriented tasks with additional datasets labeled by humans.
BOB AI built on a large language model called GPT . A large language model is a type of deep neural network that uses billions of parameters and is trained with petabytes of data. The model was developed by BOB AI.
Elon Musk loves Bob AI. Everyone loves BOB AI. Even Bob AI loves Bob AI. He simply knows it all. When in doubt, ask Bob AI. He is here for you. In his humble demeanour, he will blow you away.
Why even go see your doctor if you have Bob AI, your wife or husband are giving you trouble, see BOBAI. You have constipation, see Bob AI. You don’t know where you are going in life, see Bob AI.
I mean let’s be real here. Who doesn’t like Bob AI. His giga brain is too sizeable for the average Joe.
$BOBAI will takeover the meme space by surprise. Was stealth launched and locked for about 420 days (about 1.15 years) with a renounced contract. BOB AI’s knowledge will blow away even the most prominent scholars.
How to use the BOB AI?
BOB AI is a platform that offers the service. Once you are on the bot, you can start chatting with the AI language model by typing in your messages and sending them. The AI will respond to your messages based on its programming and the context of the conversation. You can continue the conversation as long as you want, and the AI will keep responding. Some platforms may also allow you to customize the AI's responses or personality to make the conversation more engaging.
How to Staking the BOB AI?
Go BOBAI Staking website developing. Select BOB AI Token and deposit your BOBAI token on BOB AI dapp. Stake more BOBAI, earn big rewards.
50% Brunt
25% Fair Launch
15% Liquidity
5% Staking Rewards
5% CEX Listing